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lyntay Feb 2nd, 2012 10:29 AM

Kenya/Tanzania - female traveller

I have not been to Africa before and am wanting to go there to hike Kilimanjaro and go on Safari. It looks like I will be travelling by myself. I have heard that it is less costly if I wait until I get to Kenya/Tanzania and book with local companies there.

Also, my plan is to hike Kilimanjaro, see the Tarangire and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. Then I would like to go to Kenya to the Masai Mara. I have 3-4 weeks and an $8000. budget, not including flights. Is this do-able? and any recommendations about travelling alone, when to book, and how to approach the things I would like to do. Oh, I am going in the month of July.

Thanks : )

losaltos Feb 2nd, 2012 12:06 PM

I spent two weeks in August in Kenya as a solo female traveler and it was wonderful -- especially once I got used to being called "Mama". Everyone was very kind and hospitable and I never felt strange being alone. Only occasional discomfort was at meals in camps where they set up separate tables. -- especially at night. But I was always invited to share a table, either by camp managers or other travelers. Can't say too much re: costs, etc.because I had my whole trip booked here. You will have a great time!

lyntay Feb 2nd, 2012 12:56 PM

Thank you losaltos - your comments are most appreciated. They are very reassuring : ) Do you mind telling me what company you used? Also, thank qwovadis. I will look at those sites.

losaltos Feb 2nd, 2012 02:38 PM

Lyntay: I used a woman here in northern CA/Berkeley in a firm called Next Adventure. They are old Africa hands and have planned my second trip starting June 21 also.

smileyd Feb 3rd, 2012 03:26 AM

Hello Lyntay.

with $8,000 its doable, and you will have great time.You might also be lucky to witness the wildbeest migration in Masai Mara which happens in July-september..its incredible.
There are lots of travel companies to choose from, and would advise you use a local tour company; they know better of the places and will be in a position to advise you.

Wish you luck!

lyntay Feb 3rd, 2012 08:00 AM

Thanks smileyd. So, would you wait until you got there or book ahead of time?

sandi Feb 3rd, 2012 09:03 AM

'Mama, Mama'... till I realized this was a show of respect, whenever I heard those words, even once when atop a camel, I was about to jump off and smack the kid (probably all of 20/yrs)... didn't, of course. :)

I too often travel alone and it's perfectly safe, and as mentioned above, even those lodges/camps where they have individual table for meals... often asked to join others whether guests or management.

Definitely best to book ahead of time, especially for travel during this 'peak' period.

For Kili, generally price runs $1,500/person (7-8/days allowing for acclimitization), but can be higher if not with a group, so ask and maybe you can be hooked up with like climbers.

Remaining then is $6,500 which can be split with Ngorongoro, Central Serengeti and Masai Mara, but not for 21/days which would average about $310/day. This is very low for travel in July... and that doesn't take into consideraton the dreaded Single Supplement.

Your daily safari costs have to include: lodge/tent, meals, park fees (avg bet $50-80), game drives, guide/vehicle (avg $150-225), taxes/VAT.

$310 ($50) (200) = $60 for a place to lay your head? You'll either have to consider a shorter safari or maybe hook up with a group. But then, you're often stuck with the set itinerary of the group, which might not be places you wish to visit.

Of course, there are you expenses for Visas $50/pp Kenya; $50 or $100/pp Tanzania (US passport holders pay the higher); also the Yellow Fever inoculation (rather expensive) for transit to/from/between Kenya & Tanzania; other recommended inoculation; also malaria meds, trip insurance and Flying Doctor's Membership.

Assume arrival Kilimanjaro/JRO Tanzania (where fares are often higher than if into Nairobi/NBO Kenya),
- climbing Kili (8/days),
- then visit Tarangire (2.nts) which is great for their mini-migration and known elephant park;
- then to Ngorongoro Crater (1-2/nts) and remember each crater tour costs $200 for the vehicle to go down (these also limited to 6/hrs).
- from here to the Serengeti (3/nts).

Of course you can drive back to Arusha, but this would take an entire day,
- unless you stop mid-way at Lake Manyara for 1/nt.
Once at Arusha you can take Shuttle Bus (5-6/hrs) to Nairobi for overnight.
- next day sightseeing in Nairobi.
- then by road (5-6/hrs) to the Masai Mara (3-4/nts) and drive back to Nairobi and home.

That's just a general idea of what can be accomplished, but you might run out of funds to get it done.

There are many tour operators in your home country or 'in-country' outfitters who can put together something for you, bearing in mind your budget, which do let them have a range with which to work. This would eliminate offering lodges/tents that are simply too expensive.

Lots is doable, but you have to be flexible and realistic.
Good luck!

ShayTay Feb 3rd, 2012 09:35 AM

I think you should definitely book in advance in order to have time to research out the outfitters you'll be using. For the Kili climb, you'd want to ensure that they are using safe practices and treating their local employees fairly. For the safari portion, you want to make sure you have a great driver/guide. You can either work with a safari planner in your home country (USA?) or directly with outfitters in Tanzania. In July, you could limit your trip to Tanzania, rather than going to the Masai Mara. The northern Serengeti should have Migration herds there at that time. Some folks do the safari portion first to help with acclimatization to higher elevations. The Crater rim is about 7800' and the Serengeti can be around 5000'.

CaliNurse Feb 8th, 2012 09:30 PM

Lyntay (are you related to Shaytay(-:) I am of the "Mama" age bracket, and going "solo" also (July/Aug) to Uganda , Rwanda, and Kenya. Using local companes and have booked ahead. I am certain we Mamas will be fine on our own!!

(If interested, for the Uganda and Rwanda portion, i'm using African Pearl Safaris (APS)--their tour planner Edris Kamoga has been fantastic to work with . )

CaliNurse Feb 8th, 2012 09:34 PM

p.s. Sorry, i just reread that you are going to Kenya and not Uganda too. For Kenya, i've received a great price and help from Eunice at Designer Safaris. The planning has been great and flexible, and a very trusted travel professional/friend went with this company. I had so much trouble deciding, and checked every rec i got for an in-country travel planner, so perhaps this will add one more to your " compare"

lyntay Feb 11th, 2012 05:04 PM

Hi CaliNurse - I don't believe that I'm related to Shaytay : D But the world can feel small at times - haha! Thanks for your idea for Designer Safaris. I will definitely look into it. And yep, I'm of the "mama" age bracket. Well, if you are looking for someone to hook up with for the Kenya portion, please contact me. I'd love some company, even for a few days : )

CaliNurse Feb 11th, 2012 08:14 PM

Lyn, I arrive into Kenya on Aug 2nd. Before that, will be in Uganda. Since you'll be in Kenya in July, we'll miss each other. Plewe let me know if anything changes in your plans. Mine are "set in stone" now with itineraries and pArtial payments.

lyntay Feb 11th, 2012 08:20 PM

When do you arrive in Uganda/Rwanda, Cali and what are you doing while there?

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