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Jaimi12 Mar 15th, 2016 02:30 PM

Kenya Safari
We are planning Kenya safari in early July . We are thinking of Masai Mara & one more. How is the migration this yr? I read somewhere that due to El Niño the migration is going to be affected.
Will early July be ok or should we go end of July/ Aug 1st wk?

sdb2 Mar 15th, 2016 02:47 PM

The migration is of course variable, so not absolutely predictable. However, generally speaking, I think you'd do better going late July/August.

TheHolidayDealers Mar 15th, 2016 09:14 PM

Hello Jaimi,

The El Nino rains haven't had as much effect on the Seasons as might have been reported or projected in the mainstream media. The Eco System and Safari Experiences in Kenya and general East Africa have remained at per.

We don't expect the rains to affect this year's Wildebeest Migration to Masai Mara in a major way.

What you should know is that the yearly Mara migration pattern isn't fixed - a period and time after mid July to August will be more ideal to visit Masai Mara if you are keen on being at the epicenter of the great migration including the Mara River crossing.

Plan well.

jonkimm Mar 21st, 2016 07:29 AM

Hi Jaimi12

The best time to visit Mara Kenya to see the migration is late July and early August. This is because the migration usually happen around this time of the year.

We expect no effect from the said El Nino so the migration will go on as usual.

Go and enjoy this life-time moment!

amyb Mar 22nd, 2016 04:37 AM

I wouldn't say there is "no effect" from El Nino. I just returned from the Mara and the grass is extremely high, particularly in the Reserve proper. As certain plains game eat only certain height/levels of grass, I don't think anyone can say with any certainty that things will be as they always are. The camp I stayed at was discouraging trips into the Reserve because there was very little gameviewing. Literally, grass as high as the elephants' stomachs (little ones getting lost in it entirely) and as high as giraffes knees. In both the Reserve and the conservancies, it was extremely difficult to spot and photograph the cats through grass so high, all the effect of the El Nino rains that they don't normally get.

Nelise Mar 26th, 2016 07:25 PM

Hi, the migration is in essence a domino effect so generally all should be on track this year. Have a read on this article it will break down the cycle and how it works

Deborah_WH Apr 1st, 2016 02:13 AM

Although 'around' the same time period every year, the annual Mara migration pattern isn't completely specific; as things currently stand however, I would recommend you visit late July to early August ... so your latter mentioned dates as opposed to early July.
Present indications are that El Nino will have no knock on effect on the migration, all would appear to be evolving on the plains as per usual.
You don't mention how long your sojourn to Kenya will be or your preferred mode of transport/transfer ... these variables may be the deciding factor(s) on which other destination you decide upon.
Within Kenya, Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru would probably be your most convenient option, if flying, Amboseli National Park never fails to delight. Slightly further afield, Samburu National Park is strikingly beautiful.
You could also consider crossing into Tanzania, the vast plains of the Serengeti and the iconic Ngorongoro Crater sit happily alongside the Masai Mara, the two can be combined seamlessly.
Happy Planning,
Debbi - Travel Guru, Southern Destinations

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