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KayeN Apr 6th, 2007 04:17 AM

Kaye's Photos from MalaMala 9 March to 3 April 2007
Hi all

Have just completed photos from my time at MalaMala, Sabi Sands, South Africa - 9 March to 3 April - some fantastic gameviewing and I greatly appreciate the rangers, Andrew, Nico, Nic and Bruce who gave me such opportunities!

This is the thread I hope - as never really confident that this will work!


Kind regards


hills27 Apr 6th, 2007 05:22 AM

Fantastic pictures!

matnikstym Apr 6th, 2007 06:48 AM

Very nice pictures Kaye! When are you going back to MM? I'll be there 10/1-10/4.

cw Apr 6th, 2007 07:02 AM

What a treat to open up Fodor's this morning and find your amazing pictures. Thanks so much for posting them.


moremiles Apr 6th, 2007 07:42 AM

Wow-those are beautiful photos! What kind of camera and zoom did you have?

wkwb42a Apr 6th, 2007 08:02 AM

Hi Kaye!

Your photos are absolutely beautiful!! Thanx for posting them for all of us! We are going to MM in October, first time. Of course, we are very excited!


spiegelcjs Apr 6th, 2007 09:10 AM

Kaye amazing. We will be in MM June 5 thorugh June 8 and can't wait. First trip. Should I be requesting any particular guides. Also what camera and zoom.

HariS Apr 6th, 2007 01:18 PM

Hi Kaye,

Just want to say."Welcome back" and that i enjoyed your photos. The Styx pride on the kopje stands out for sure. Glad you had fantastic safari moments and i'm sure you'll hv more of them on your next trip....


atravelynn Apr 6th, 2007 02:50 PM

Just lovely. Your talent for the birds only grows. So many beautiful mother and baby(ies) shots. Not to mention the birth in process! Your photos uphold Mala Mala's reputation for leopard sightings. From lions to herds of rhino to cheetah, your shots are beautifully composed. The snakes, bees, and tortoises are treasures too.

napamatt Apr 6th, 2007 03:26 PM


Great photos, our ranger was joking that the Tjellahanga male was half Lion, your pictures give some impression of his extraordinary size.
Great pictures of three kinds of rollers is wonderful. All in all so many memories stirrd by your photos.

Dennis - I will miss you by a couple of days!

KayeN Apr 7th, 2007 02:31 AM

Hi everyone,

hills27 - thank you

Dennis - thanks, unfortunately not until the middle of December

CW - thanks and you are welcome

moremiles - thanks and I have a Panasonic FZ30 and the lens is to 420 I think

Carole, thanks and who wouldn't be excited, the gameviewing is always exceptional and always something new and exciting to see

spiegelcjs - thanks, no I am happy with any ranger, all do a great job

Thanks Hari, you are right, I always have fantastic safari moments which I guess is why I cannot stop returning

Thank you Lynn - I get heaps of practice with birds at home as I take quite a few! The baby buffalo being born was fantastic and my first complete birth and I was a lucky duck to see it! I do like variety in my photos, definitely not just a big 5 photographer. You are right about MalaMala's leopards, this trip I saw 20 different leopards, which is my record.

Lastly Matt, Thanks, he is a huge male though the Jakkalsdraai female is very petite. Never did see those Eyrefield Pride cubs, so hope they are all OK.

Kind regards,


atravelynn Apr 7th, 2007 05:08 AM

20 leopards? That's a convention!

bat Apr 7th, 2007 07:46 AM

Wonderful pictures. The buffalo birth is fantastic. You also have the cutest hyena pictures i have ever seen.

cary999 Apr 7th, 2007 07:53 AM

Camera and zoom - "thanks and I have a Panasonic FZ30 and the lens is to 420 I think"
What? That's it? No Canon/Nikon with four kinds of lens, no RAW processing? Maybe there is something to the theory that it is the photographer that is important :-)
regards - tom
ps - I will be at Mala Sep 14-20, anybody?

Tanky Apr 7th, 2007 08:26 AM

Tom, I'm there 20th - 24th. Are you in the 'single room'?


CarlaM Apr 7th, 2007 11:26 AM

What a beautiful collection you have here Kaye. I enjoyed them all especially the Rollercoaster male and the little ellie throwing his weight around. What a huge neck on that male kudu.

I am impresssed that you know these animals so intimately and hope those Eyrefield cubs are ok too. When was the last time they were spotted?

Tanky Apr 7th, 2007 11:34 AM


I'm correct in saying the Mala Mala 'Eyrefield' pride is the Londolozi 'Sparta' pride?

One of the Rollercaoster males (whose picture is one my living room wall) was mating with one of the lionesses when I was at Londolozi in Spetember 2006.


cary999 Apr 7th, 2007 11:48 AM

Gary, yes in the "single room". I don't know if they actually have a "single room" or whether it is a regular room (any room) that they just put a single rate on. My last night is the 19th, I leave the 20th (first night is the 14th).
regards - tom

napamatt Apr 7th, 2007 12:16 PM


Right after you. We have a regular procession of Fodorites between 9/14 and 10/4

cary999 Apr 7th, 2007 12:42 PM

OK!!! First one in buys Cokes for everybody! No, wait, that's me :-)
regards - tom
ps - just had to get in a dig about their charging for Cokes

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