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jdp08050 Mar 9th, 2017 09:13 AM

Jerusalem and the Holy Land
Looking to go to Jerusalem in August for a tour of the holy hand. Specifically the Christian sites. Looking for a reasonably priced tour that centers on that subject for 7 to 12 days. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Not interested in modern Israel or Time spent on beaches.

TennesseeVol Mar 25th, 2017 03:00 AM

I went to Israel two years ago accompanying my wife on one of her business trips. Therefore, my perspective is from a tour that was paid for by her company and geared toward a business group of 80 people. With that being said, the entire trip was pleasure (meaning no business-related activities).

I would highly recommend the tour guide we had-Yariv Hen (website: He was extremely knowledgeable about everything Israel. Due to our type of group, it was not religious-based. However, I am a Christian and asked Yariv MANY questions while on the trip. He always had an answer and seemed to know everything about the region from a Christian and Jewish perspective. He has mentioned that he can cater a tour to whatever needs/interests the group has. I believe that a trip to the Holy Land is best made with a guide who can explain the sites and areas you are seeing.

In addition to Yariv making my trip as special as it was, I have kept in contact with him via Facebook since our trip. As a matter of fact, he just emailed me a couple of weeks ago and said he was visiting the US for the first time to give free lectures about Israel. So I would recommend checking out his website.

Dianedancer Mar 28th, 2017 11:51 AM

Thanks Tennessee - We are planning The rest we will do on our own. I will check out Yariv and see if he does short tours.

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