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Worldnomad Apr 26th, 2013 11:56 PM

Is now a good time to visit Yemen
I am a single female considering a solo trip to Yemen, including Socotro Island, either June or September. I understand that there are fewer security concerns and that it is relatively safe for tourists now. Has anyone been there recently? Anyone have any insights into the country -- must sees, etc?

lincasanova Apr 27th, 2013 01:07 AM

I have a close friend in the state department there. You should contact the embassy directly by email.

sandi Apr 27th, 2013 10:53 AM

I'm far from the scary tourist, though do avoid destinations where bombs (even drones) might be dropping from the sky or bullets flying past my ears - Iraq, Afghanastan neither of which are on my 'must see' destinations - or even Yemen - though not to say the latter might be somewhat safer.

Still as a solo female traveler, besides having direct contact with the State Dept (do check their site that has info re destinations worldwide), sure hope you'd be working with a reputable outfitter from your home country and that in Yemen, I would definitely have a guide with for the many sites/areas in-country you'd be visiting. And, if you do decide to visit, check proper attire for women.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

Rubicund May 5th, 2013 03:18 AM

I've just checked the British Government travel advice

and it says:

Still current at:5 May 2013
Updated:15 April 2013
The FCO advise against all travel to the whole country.

Worldnomad May 6th, 2013 12:34 AM

Have weighed advice and decided that if I do not visit Yemen now, I most probably never will. I plan to go 31 May for 2 weeks exploring Socotra and the mainland. Surprisingly only needed Hep A and anti-malarials so health part was easy. Thank you all for your input, hoping to put my experience in writing and submit as a trip report upon my return.

sandi May 6th, 2013 09:04 AM

Just be sure to register with the State Department, where, when, how long, contact #s and whatever else... should there be need for extraction (or drones will be flying over... sad to say, but who knows what will be what). Good luck!

Rubicund May 7th, 2013 03:41 AM

Have a look at this warning from the US State department:

I have to say that travelling in Yemen as a single female, no guide or group, is foolhardy at the very least and very ill considered. Everything I have looked at says that there is a real risk of kidnap and danger to life and your reason for going, "if I do not visit Yemen now, I most probably never will", is not a good reason.

Sometimes you have to accept that there are places that are just too dangerous.

sandi May 7th, 2013 02:20 PM

... besides the warnings not to travel, what do you do about 'travel insurance?' Will you be able to get a company to cover you for evacuation? Especially as stated above the US Government, if they can get to you will require reimbursement.

I'm not easily scared, but that State Dept link is screaming 'not a good idea'

A recent thread on the Lounge Forum by a guy who often works for the government went recently to Iraq hoping for an opportunity (besides the job he had to do), to see what was actually happening in the country now that the US is gone... ha! ha! - He couldn't even get out of the Green Zone which means it's still not safe.

So, I'd say - 'Iraq, Afghanastan and Yemen" wouldn't be my 'must see' countries for now and likely many years to come. Aad as above, I'd fear kidnapping sooner than other possible happenings.

Worldnomad May 10th, 2013 09:47 PM

Thank you all for your concern. I do have excellent travel insurance that should cover most contingencies. It has clauses to cover travel of a high risk nature, i.e., the roads less travelled, scuba diving, treking in Hymalays, etc. Not being American, registering with the State Department is not an option for me. I am Canadian, but a non-resident Canadian meaning that I am pretty much on my own should something untoward occur. The governments do put out ample warnings against travel to certain areas, I have found these are always best taken with a grain of salt. I currently receive government warnings (through a strong expat community) from Canada, US, UK, NZ and AUS. If we followed all the advice given, we would never leave our homes.

I have also contracted with a local tour guide to take me to regions outside of the capital. I have spoken to him on the phone several times, am comfortable that he understands my priorities and that we can communicate well. I have also contacted the family members of one of my colleagues and have been assure that all the areas that I am interested in visiting are safe. They have warned me against travel to other areas.

I feel I am well prepared for my trip. Have a suitable wardrobe so as not to cause offence. Am prepared for the basic conditions and have done sufficient research to enable me to fully appreciate the unique history and culture of this fascinating country.

Look for my trip report when I return mid-June.

sandi May 11th, 2013 11:19 AM

Thanks for getting back and have to agree that if we didn't read between the lines of any government's statements re specific destinations... we'd never leave home and that would not good.

So at this time, all I can do is wish you the best for a wonderful experience, safe travel and look forward to your report when you return.

alasbahee May 23rd, 2013 06:32 PM

Hi there, did you start your trip?

Rubicund May 24th, 2013 04:14 AM

OP said she was going either June or September.

Leslie_S May 30th, 2013 07:31 AM

Above from OP: I plan to go 31 May for 2 weeks.
And: Look for my trip report when I return mid-June

I hope she writes when she's back.

basingstoke2 May 30th, 2013 07:37 PM

<I hope she writes when she's back.>
I hope she gets back

Leslie_S May 31st, 2013 04:30 AM

I was thinking that, too, but hesitated to say it.

lincasanova May 31st, 2013 05:29 AM

Eventually we all get back somehow.

basingstoke2 May 31st, 2013 05:38 AM


lincasanova May 31st, 2013 10:47 AM

that's right.. in one form or another

basingstoke2 May 31st, 2013 01:53 PM

OK, let's try this question: You, the OP asked "Is now a good time to visit Yemen. To a person the reply was "no." Links were provided to various governments issuing warnings that essentially say, No, now is not a good time to visit Yemen but you dismiss those and you intend to visit anyway. So, what was the purpose of the post?

Fra_Diavolo May 31st, 2013 03:42 PM

"So, what was the purpose of the post?"

I think that about a lot of the posts on Fodor's.

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