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ylva Sep 12th, 2001 06:42 AM

Is Morocco safe now??
I was looking at the questions and responses posed to safety of trip to Egypt and am trying to find out more info on likely safety of trip to Morocco. Plane tickets already booked for end of November, but will stop rest of planning if I can determine how safe it is given recent developments. I have not yet found any reports of how news of terrorist attacks were received there. Opinions / links???

gail Sep 12th, 2001 09:03 AM

Who knows what is safe? Who would have thought going to work in WTC in NY was not safe? Unless someone is a psychic, I doubt you will get a satisfying answer to your question. Having returned from Egypt in April with few safety concerns, I am not sure I would travel out of North America for the next few months. As much as it bugs me to let terrorists terrorize me!

elvira Sep 12th, 2001 09:29 AM

When we visited Morocco a couple of years ago, we found the people very welcoming to Americans; no signs of antagonism at all. It is a moderate Islam in Morocco. <BR> <BR>Continue to make your plans and monitor world events.

elvira Sep 12th, 2001 10:35 AM

from <BR>RABAT - King Mohammed VI sent US President George Walker Bush a message of condolences, wherein the Sovereign condemned the terrorist acts having targeted Tuesday American institutions and buildings. <BR>The message carried the Sovereign’s sincere condolences, heartfelt sympathy and solidarity to President Bush and to the relatives of the victims. <BR>The dreadful tragedy caused by the terrorist acts that targeted a certain number of institutions and buildings of your friendly country deeply affected me as well as the whole Moroccan people, the Sovereign said, expressing Morocco’s “firm denunciation of these barbarous unspeakable acts which are contrary to all human principles and values.”

Beth Sep 22nd, 2001 07:25 AM

I had planned a trip to Marrakech in mid-October, but am now postponing it until we can be more sure of world stability. It's hard to predict world opinion of Americans once retaliatory measures are taken, and I'm worried about the ease of getting back into the U.S. should things take another terrible turn. Though it's really bothering me, and I don't want to interrupt my life or be paranoid, it comes down to the fact that a vacation is meant to be enjoyed. In light of recent events and what is to come, I know that a vacation so far from home will be hard for me to enjoy. I will be "antsy" the whole time and preoccupied with worries about home and family. <BR> <BR>I will vacation in the U.S. instead, seeing now as the time to experience Yosemite or the fall foliage of the East Coast...things I've always wanted to do but have put off for more "exotic" vacations. <BR> <BR>I'll still visit Marrakech, but at a time when I'm 100% confident that I'll have a fabulous experience.

nofan Sep 22nd, 2001 12:10 PM

Hi! We were in Morocco last year and many people told us that they were worried about the increase of fundamentalists. I would not go now.

callalily Sep 22nd, 2001 05:39 PM

Well, I sure hope so. I will be there Oct 16th - 30th! <BR> <BR>I have a friend who just returned from there and felt very safe. I am not too concerned about safety once I'm there, my biggest fear is that something else is going to happen that will disrupt air travel again. However, I will be staying with a Moroccan family, so my perceptions might be different. <BR> <BR>I just keep my eyes on for info. <BR> <BR>Please keep in touch, I would like to hear your plans. <BR> <BR>Lily

james Sep 24th, 2001 02:10 AM

It is perfectly safe - Morocco is a very mild natured country. Anyone who cancels a holiday is barmy. Now if you had a holiday booked to Pakistan, I'd think twice. How safe do you think the US is??

gg Sep 24th, 2001 04:17 PM

We were suppose to leave for Morocco on Oct 6. Some of the time we planned on staying in riads but most of the time we would be with a small group tour. The airline will give us a voucher for future travel , the riads will let us cancel, however the tour operator will not give any part of a refund or voucher. I have read about some tour operators that are being somewhat flexible. If I use a tour operator again I will book though one of them. Has anyone found their tour operators willing to give refunds or reschedule?

Vickie Sep 25th, 2001 11:34 AM

I have reservations to go to Morocco 11/15. It would be helpful if anyone knows someone who is actually over there now to find out the mood of the people over there. I am uncertain if I will go or cancel at this point.

Eamonn Oct 1st, 2001 08:06 AM

I recently visited morocco and i travelled there from spain very soon after the wtc attack. I think that morocco is probably more safe than living in one of the big western cities. <BR>The moroccan people seemed to be all very sympathetic to the people of new york. Infact it was something of an international conversation opener "Terrible what happened in america" - or something to that effect was echoed by many a 'friendly' moroccan. I see no reason in delaying your trip in fact you may enjoy it more because the chances are there will be very little tourists there. Islam in morocco while present is far from strong and western capitalism is having tthe same effect on it as it did on christianity some time earlier. <BR>Moroccans (though not all) are far more interested in the contents of your wallet than in what religon or nationality you are. <BR>I really enjoyed my trip and i would recommend essauria(not sure bout spelling but pronounced esa - wara). Its laid back and the 'shopkeepers' are not as aggressive as they are in marrakech ect. Only problem is there is almost no where open after 11 0'clock aside from some of the big hotels - not a good thing for a group of alcholics from ireland:)

Vickie Oct 1st, 2001 10:06 AM

Thanks so much Eamonn for your current report. I feel more confident after reading it!

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