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slowtraveler Sep 19th, 2001 03:02 PM

Iran more friendly
Ive always wanted to visit Iran. Went to school with many iranian students and loved the people and learned of the cultural treasures there. Seems lots of goodwill coming from there now from the people after the attacks. Hopefully it will become an easier and all will benefit.

Thyra Oct 11th, 2001 04:38 PM

Slowtraveler. I don't know specifically about Iran, but I would definately contact the State Department, to find out if there are specific warnings about Iran. I don't think the US has an embassy there since the hostage crisis during the 70's. (I may be wrong about that) but if there is no embassy, then you are pretty much on your own, should something unpleasant happen. <BR>I have several American friends of Iranian descent who's parents have been back and forth for business. It is still a very strict Moslem state and as a courtesy, it might be in your best interests to adhere to any dress/behavior codes that may be advised. Good luck whatever you decide.

Borhan Sep 2nd, 2002 09:58 PM


DianeG Sep 4th, 2002 05:29 AM

I travelled in Iran last fall. I was there for two months travelling solo and I would encourage anyone to visit this fascinating country. I encountered nothing but respect, courtesy and warm hospitality while there. Iran, today, is a country that is largely an unknown for most Westerners. As North Americans, we tend to be very badly informed about this part of the world and it's immensely worthwhile to step away from most of our commonly held misconceptions.<BR><BR>As a side note: it happens in quite a few countries that your country may not have an embassy there per se. In all of these cases, there are usually agreements in place for your country's nationals to call upon another country's embassy (sort of a courtesy thing). If you ever find out that there is no embassy where you are going to, ask your country's external/foreign affairs department which other embassy you could turn to in a pinch (especially for consular info).

Ehsan Oct 1st, 2002 10:16 AM

What is the most economical way to find a ticket to Iran? Any suggestions from Detroit, MI?<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR><BR>Ehsan

Eric Oct 1st, 2002 12:46 PM

Ehsan,<BR><BR>If you go to and do a search from JFK to Tehran current round trip tickets are $622/person which is a great deal (I have been watching them for about 6 months now, and this is the lowest they have been in that time). Of course you would still have to get yourself to NY, but from Detroit that is not a problem.

SFImporter Jul 28th, 2005 12:07 PM

Don't support this country with your tourism.

Below is a link to a Reuters story from 7/25/2005:

The article lists human rights groups who are up in arms over the execution of two teenagers:

&quot;Their comments follow the public hangings of Mahmoud Asgari, 16, and Ayaz Marhoni, 18, on 19 July in Mashad, provincial capital of Iran's northeastern Khorasan province, on charges of homosexuality.&quot;

America has still got a long way to go - but at least I can't be killed by the government for being who I am.

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