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eveline Mar 30th, 2006 05:25 PM

How safe is it to travel to Egypt?
Hi All,

Partner & I would love to go to Egypt in June, July or Aug this year but want to know 'How safe is Egypt at the moment'? The Australian government website '
Rates Egypt in the 'High Caution' category.
What do you think?
Just want to get as many points of view as possible.



gail Mar 30th, 2006 05:32 PM

If you type safety + Egypt in the search box you will get more opinions on the subject than you could imagine, including some from very recent visitors.

MyriamC Mar 31st, 2006 02:32 AM

We've been to Egypt at least once a year for the last 6 years. We've never felt unsafe - we do use common sense. Egypt is a country that is highly dependant on tourism, therefore they will make every effort for the safety of their visitors.
OK, sometimes things happen (as they do in other countries), like a bomb attack last year but this cannot be foreseen by anyone. I've never encountered riots or civil commotion, nor any form of hate against westerners.

sunshine007 Apr 1st, 2006 10:55 AM

I just moved to Cairo. The people are very nice and constantly tell me that they love Americans. There is virtually no crimes like murder, assault, etc. thanks to Islam. As for terrorism, it might happen as it might happen in the London or Madrid subways, or Oklahoma City or NYC. It is not like Iraq or Palestine or Israel car bombings, etc. take place with some regularity.

gail Apr 2nd, 2006 03:56 AM

Don't try to cross the street in Cairo - that is very dangerous. Have to be the most insane drivers in the world. (probably the most dangerous part of your visit)

Grcxx3 Apr 2nd, 2006 07:52 AM

I agree with gail - trying to cross the street in Cairo is likely the most dangerous situation you will encounter!

And while we're talking about driving - riding in a taxi will rival the scariest amusement park ride you've ever been on!

gail Apr 2nd, 2006 10:37 AM

I forgot about the passenger part - in Egypt it appears that traffic signals, signs, and lanes markings are for purely decorative purposes. Everyone ignores them.

sunshine007 Apr 2nd, 2006 01:10 PM

When I vacationed here, I took the hotel's cars rather than the street taxis. They are more expensive, but the drivers are far more sane. Even now I'll take one at night if I'm traveling any distance.

And I meant to say in my post above that: it's not like Iraq, Palestine or Isreal WHERE car bombings take place with some regularity.

eveline Apr 2nd, 2006 09:57 PM

Thanks all for your responses, yes will consider Egypt, a bit paranoid on my part regarding the safety !! Can only get June or July off work and will probably do some kind of a small group tour. I hear August is incredibly hot, what about June?

alanRow Apr 3rd, 2006 03:26 AM

Ozzie travel warnings are always the most wimpish - even compared to the US State department equivalents. They once recommended that avoided Turkey totally depsite the millions of Europeans who go there each year on holiday

As for weather in June, it should be warm enough, just don't plan lots of walking for the middle of the afternoon

mot10 Apr 8th, 2006 11:05 PM

I've been living in Cairo for two years. As all above have stated it's perfectly safe except the transportation. (My school takes me to work everyday in a mini bus and every day I picture the upcoming firey death.)

Weather wise- yup June will be hot. Cairo is bearable, down south it'll be fairly brutal. That being said, it's not like Saudi Arabia or Iraq hot. 40C tops around here in August and not a wet heat. You'll survive it.

jadberry Apr 7th, 2011 09:39 AM

My husband, I and our 8 year old daughter just got back from Cairo and had the time of our lives. We almost cancelled and we are so glad we didn't. We were planning on going out on our own but after recent events decided to go with a tour- Emo tours and our guide was great, we felt very safe.
The tourist places were all empty. We were the only ones inside the pyramids and in Memphis. The museum was just starting to get busy. Avoid staying in Cairo on Fridays when they do their demonstrations (that day we were in Giza). There was a demonstration on Sat. when we were in the square by the museum but it was small and a great picture op.
Hope this helps.

Casual_Cairo Apr 8th, 2011 12:14 AM

jadberry - thanks for posting this. I hope people read it and feel good about making plans to come to Egypt.

MissGreen Apr 8th, 2011 12:59 AM

I am Australian, and have just been to Egypt. I would go again tomorrow, even with the travel warning.

I had to catch the hotel shuttle car in Alexandria to take us from the left side of the road to the right side, directly opposite, all of 10 meters....! We tried and tried to get across but we had no hope.. the driver saw us and gave us a ride that took 1 minute, but without him, we would of never crossed the road! LOL

nola77382 Apr 12th, 2011 08:49 AM

We just got back home on Sunday. All three of us loved our time in Egypt and never felt unsafe. We had a great driver in Cairo but he still have several near misses--it's really amazing and undescribable how the traffic works there! The people everywhere were welcoming and happy to see tourists. There were more people at the Giza pyramids than expected but still not super crowded. Cairo was so big, chaotic and busy (and exciting) that we were glad to be staying at the peaceful Mena House in Giza! It was a wonderful vacation and we look forward to going back one day...

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