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Jstrauss Jan 10th, 2006 08:02 AM

How are Americans treated in Morocco?
Hello all,
I am thinking of taking my honeymoon at the beginning of August, but one of my concerns is how Americans are treated in Morocco, so I wanted to get someone's real-life experience as opposed to what has been written in the various guides.

Thanks so much!!

Femi Jan 10th, 2006 12:36 PM

If you select 'Morocco' from the list of countries above and click 'search', recent discussions will show up that will most likely address your question.

jenmaroc Jan 10th, 2006 06:20 PM

As an American who has lived in Morocco for over three years, I can assure you that Moroccans are very good at distinguishing between an individual and the policies of that individual's government.

I have NEVER encountered anyone who has treated me badly because of my nationality...and in fact, many Moroccans will be quick to tell you that Morocco was the first nation to recognise the independence of the USA after 1776.

As long as you travel with an open mind and respect for the local mores, you will find the Moroccan people very welcoming.

Where were you thinking of visiting on your honeymoon?

Jstrauss Jan 11th, 2006 05:25 AM

We were thinking of spending a few days in Marrakech, a few days in Casablanca, then a few days somewhere on the beach. What do you recommend for a eight day trip?

MatthiesA Jan 12th, 2006 04:25 AM

I just came back from Morocco last week. To be honest we do not think Morocco is the best honeymoon place. It is quite stressful (though fun and challenging). Once they find out you are Americans, you will be bombarded with hasslers and touts. It is non-stop from sunrise to sunset. However if you are not looking for a relaxing honeymoon but an adventurous one you will like Morocco. We were there for two weeks. Highly recommend that you skip Marrakech. I know you have heard a lot about it (it gets a lot of press) but a lot of people who have been there including us are not that impressed. We prefer other cities much better like Fez which is a must-see place (the medina is older and much more interesting plust people are nicer). Also the cities along the coastal area are very charming like Essoueirra, Safi and Ilfran. The drive thorugh the stunning Atlas mountains can also be a treat. If have time go to Zagora and the famous sandune near Errfoud. Casablanca is the biggest city, a highly commercial one. Do not think you will enjoy it if you are looking for culture and beautiful landscapes. If you like nightlife, maybe Casablanca is for you. We just stopped there for a few hours to wait for our connnecting flight to Marrakech. Alert: flights from Casablanca to other cities in the country are always late. Highly unreliable. Ours was 7 hours late. Talked to the local. He said this was not unusual! They do not have enough planes! The airline recommended we take a bus instead after a near chaos at the counter! Anyway we waited 7 hours and finally our plane arrived. We would go back if we have a chance, but we will bypass big cities this time. Remember to always negotiate. At least 30-40% off asking price. Have fun. Any questions about logistics let me know.

Mochi Jan 19th, 2006 11:48 AM

My husband who is American was rather concerned of his security – his strategy was try to look British by picking odd color of shirts, safari hats, etc :) He is actually Scottish-American, so with the right British looking clothe, he did blend in with other British travelers in Morocco…… He was treated fine by Moroccans even after they found out that he is American though.

But I was very surprised that I was stared at a lot by Moroccans - I’m Asian……when visiting Medina I always worn long sleeved Tunic shirt and long pants so I was conservatively dressed. I do not think I was disrespectful to their culture/custom. But people, both men and women, would even stop and stared at me. To this day, I have no idea why this was happening to me.

MatthiesA Jan 19th, 2006 01:38 PM


Don't worry your are not the only Asian getting stared at. I am Asian travelling with my American husband (who is of Germany heritage). I got stared at every single day. There are not a lot of Asian tourists in Morocco. In the remote ares I was the only Asian walking around. The combination of Asian and a blond head does not help. It draws attention to you. They all called me "Japan" though I am not Japanese. More than ten people spoke to me in Japanese I(just a fews words) even a police man!

Mochi Jan 20th, 2006 02:40 PM

Hi MatthiesA,

Oh, that is why.....mystery solved! It is so true - Moroccans do speak Japanese. I am Japanese so that was a real plus. When we had trouble communicating in French, I switched to Japanese and got things done.

Even Berbers, both in Zagora and Merzouga desert, spoke good Japanese. While spending a night at Zagora desert, our Berber guide sang (in Japanese!!) a Japanese children’s song called “Desert in the Moonlight” for us. This is a romantic song – translation of lyrics is something like this: Two camels traveling desert in the moonlight. Camels are carrying Arabian prince and princess. Prince is riding golden saddle. Princess is riding silver saddle. We wonder where they are going..... Listening to the song under the moonlight in the desert was a moving experience for me.

Btw, I saw your post that you are planning to go to Spain. You may know this already…… has very nice offering of high end hotel deals, including various cities in Spain and other locations.

MatthiesA Jan 20th, 2006 08:36 PM


Yes. I have used luxurylink. It was last year. We visited Greece for three weeks (got stared at there too). I think I got a good hotel deal. The Spain is still in the works. We hope to stay in a nice place in Seville and in farmhouse sort of place in other cities in the mountains. I know a few Japanese words. My mother studied in Japan for five years so she would have been able to help us out! My husband could speak Spanish and German but most Moroccans cannot speak these two languages. In Fez, there are some who could use Spanish.

I8Ds Feb 8th, 2006 11:39 AM

my husband and i had a fabulous trip in Oct. to Morocco...we had a wonderful expert arrange our riads, suggest an itinerary, and had a driver...his name is John Skype and his company is ....we got to see things easily and the plans he made were spectacular...and can make arrangements for every can be left alone as much as you like...the driver picks up his cues from you...but makes getting around very easy...we dined at great places and an overnight trip to the desert sleeping in a bedouin tent is a must...about the most romantic thing you can will be arranged just for the two of you with your own private camp site of tents made of carpets along with a cooking tent where you will be served by a man who is there to serve you...with candle will both say...i don't believe the morning an early morning camel ride over the dunes to watch the sun rise is won't be joining a big group...all this will be arranged for you...and oh yes, after your dinner, you will have your own troop of African mussicians serenade you while you recline on cushions in your "living room" tent on oriental carpets...we found the trip very reasonably priced and far less than if we had booked the same things ourselves...John is worth talking to about plans....he knows the country backwards and forwards....because we had someone with us, we were spared the stress and I think that prevented us from being approached all the time...but he in no way intruded into our will love it

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