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cooncat2 Mar 12th, 2006 02:12 PM

Help put together my first-aid kit
I have a pretty good idea of what to bring but I am wondering what is the best anti-itch product for bug bites? Hopefully I won't need it too often but best be prepared. Any other tips are welcome, of course! Thanks!

sandi Mar 12th, 2006 02:26 PM

Sharon -

It works for me, but then those itchy things don't really like me. If you recall, the mossies enjoyed my ankles when on ZNZ. Didn't have anything with me and though they didn't bother me much for the next 10-days, when I arrived home... one dab with Calamine and I was a new person.

countingdown Mar 12th, 2006 02:52 PM

I swear by Benadryl Spray, in fact it is packed in my suitcase waiting to go.
Does Cooncat stand for Maine Coons? I have two!

cooncat2 Mar 12th, 2006 02:55 PM

Thanks guys! That's easy to find!

Countingdown: Yes! I also have two! A boy, Strider, and a girl, Arwen. Love them, don't you? They sure keep you on your toes.


jasher Mar 12th, 2006 02:59 PM

Hi Sharon,

Personally, I find After-Bite much more useful than Calamine -- but then the bugs don't tend to like me much either.


dlo Mar 12th, 2006 03:03 PM

Hey Cooncat

I was gonna ask you the same thing about your name.Our Maine Coon was the pet that died right before we left in December.They are amazing though and i am a dog person.I am searching for one so if you can send 1 up to Canada let me know!

cooncat2 Mar 12th, 2006 03:17 PM

Hey Julian - the bugs don't usually go for me, either, but I still plan to take all precautions! I don't find After BIte that effective - I think you have to use it fairly quickly after being bitten and I usually don't notice until later!

dlo - So sorry to hear about your coon. I'm sure there are plenty of places up in Canada you can find another one! My boy acts just like a dog. Constantly bugging me to play fetch, running around the room and on the furniture like a little madman... It's going to be so hard to leave them when I go for 3 weeks. I lost a cat a couple years ago and still mourn him from time to time. They sure become part of your family.

dlo Mar 12th, 2006 03:31 PM


Ours was also just like a dog.And he loved 1 of our dogs as well,it was embarrasing watching him rub against our Newfie.I love how much they "chat".

gail Mar 12th, 2006 03:40 PM

Hydrocortisone cream. I would also have some Benadryl pills/capsules to take if the itch was maddening - but would only take that at night since it would make you sleepy.

I also have a wonderful Coon cat, who went slowly blind about 2 years ago (we were told it is a genetic defect in some lineages of Coon cats). But he is so smart that he still rules and roams the house, caught a mouse in the basement last winter, and continues to torment our younger cat. Right now he is standing next to me trying to con me into feeding him, although my husband fed him an hour ago.

cooncat2 Mar 12th, 2006 04:27 PM

Wow... all these Maone Coon people! Perhaps Fodors should give us our own forum! ;-) ;-)

cybor Mar 13th, 2006 06:42 AM

Hey cooncat,
I also have a cooncat cat (Waldo). He's a 6-7 yr. old rescue. He sweetly fit right in with Tony (the dog) Natasha (black cat).

Dlo. so sad to hear about your loss. Check online to see coon kittens and rescues.

Back to the orig. question - hydrocortisone 1% OTC or 2% (script) - all purpose for bites, inflammation, burns etc. I would also put in a broad spectrum antibiotic cream like bacitracin.

Roccco Mar 13th, 2006 08:53 PM

One thing I wish I had for this trip is Nu-Skin, which may be bought at any bowling alley. I have had bad problems with my feet on this trip, complicated by the need to wear sandals throughout due to my minor surgery on an ingrown toenail the morning of my departure.

Nu-Skin is usually used by bowlers who suffer from skin breaks or blisters on their fingers and it allows them to continue bowling. I will never leave on a holiday without it again, although had I been able to wear closed shoes with socks, I would have probably avoided any problems. Still a good thing to have.

Roccco Mar 13th, 2006 08:54 PM

(Nu-Skin is almost like superglue, but it is for the skin)

Kavey Mar 14th, 2006 01:15 AM

Haven't read all the responses but...

I have this little pen of ammonia liquid which one puts onto the bite just after it happens (if possible) and it reduces swelling massively.

Other things in my kit:

hydration sachets
alka seltzer
antihistamine eyedrops
non-medicated eyedrops
betnovate cream

plus stuff like plasters, ankle support crepe bandage thing, insect repellent, antiseptic wipes, sun block, after sun etc.

if i'm going somewhere remote and am unsure about medical provision i have also sometimes included a small set of syringes - if I get referred to a doctor i can insist on my own sterile syringes being used to administer any injection. don't bother with these often though...

cybor Mar 14th, 2006 04:23 AM

While we're expanding on the list - do think about bringing eyewash and saline nose spray for dust etc. removal -used mine everyday.

Biodegradable wetwipes for the face are a must - these can also be used elsewhere on the body.

Our vehicle did have a first aid kit - not sure but would imagine thats standard.

cooncat Mar 14th, 2006 05:49 AM

Lubricant eye drops and saline for the nose are def. on my list!

Kavey - I think the ammonia stuff is called After Bite which is what Julain recommended. I'll probably bring some, but I usually don't feel the bite; only the ithc hours later! Also: some of your items I've never heard of - tell me what they're for or if they have a US counterpart:
betnovate cream

Thanks - keep adding your ideas, it may be boring, but an essential part of the trip!

panecott Mar 14th, 2006 06:10 AM

Yikes!! You mean we have to worry about bug bites on safari??
OK. Just kidding. But I was wondering -- do the camps provide any kind of repellent in the tents and so on, or is that up to guests to bring?

I went to the Amazon for 3 days 3 years ago and brought along a spray from Magellan's that was used for clothing and bed linens. Turned out there was a cold front the whole time I was there and no bugs at all, so I don't know how effective it might have been. But is something like that a good idea to take along for the tents? Or any other suggestions? I'm doing a Wilderness Safaris mobile in Botswana and Namibia. Thanks.

Kavey Mar 14th, 2006 07:04 AM

I imagine After Bite is just a brand name, I'm sure mine is called something else. Wonder what the generic name might be?

Domperidone is also known as Motilium or Domstal and I include it for cases of severe vomiting. An alternative option would be stemetil, commonly prescribed for sea-sickness.

I don't know other names for betnovate but it's a cream for rashes, bites etc.

Paracetemol is an analgesic (painkiller) used against fevers, headaches and other aches and pains. Unlike many pain-relief drugs it's not anti-inflammatory. I might pack iboprufen for that purpose. I think it's known in the US as Tylenol?

Please note that I am not a medical practitioner and nothing that I post in this regard should be taken as medical advice. You must always get advice from your own doctor to ensure that none of the medications discussed clash with any other treatment or are harmful to you because of a pre-existing condition.

For example, iboprufen can be a problem for asthma sufferers though I have no problem with it myself.

cooncat Mar 14th, 2006 07:10 AM

Thanks for the clarification, Kavey! :-)

sandi Mar 14th, 2006 10:55 AM

Paracetamol w/codeine is the US equivalent of Tylenol #3 (containing 30mg. codeine; #4 contains 40mg codeine). Paracetamol contains a small amount of codeine - about 6mg to 10mg codeine depending on the country/ies where is available. Paracetamol isn't available in the US. I have friends bring it home with them - on their way thru LHR or AMS, even YYZ - no script required overseas. And we know anything with codeine requires a script stateside.

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