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evecolorado Feb 23rd, 2006 01:36 PM

Gifts for grandkids
My husband and I have seven grandchildren. In November when we take our trip to Egypt, the boys will be 10, 9, 8 and the twins will be 5; the girls will be 7 and 5. I'd be interested in what other travelers bought in Egypt for their grandchildren. We always search for the perfect gifts for them, and they were thrilled with what we brought back from China. Would like to repeat that experience.

sandi Feb 23rd, 2006 01:57 PM

Galabayas - the long gowns worn by many in throughout Egypt - men, women and children. Don't know how the boys will feel about wearing "a gown-type" item, but the little girls might. Reasonably priced and they pack flat.

You might even find dolls dressed in traditional costumes.

Not very good with "boy" things, but there are a wealth of items to be found in the bazaars and the various stops during your visit.

I'm sure there are others who will have more suggestions.

jasher Feb 23rd, 2006 03:16 PM


If you can find little miniature Pharoanic chariots, etc, the boys should really have fun with them.


Grcxx3 Feb 23rd, 2006 07:56 PM

There are LOTS of are some things I got for various kids over the years.

Gallabeyas are cute and you can get the headpieces too (turban-type things for the boys and beaded "hats" for the girls)

Papyrus with their names in heiroglyphics (can usually be done in 1 day, maybe 2) - or there are Papyrus coloring books with outlines of Nefertari, King Tut, etc (okay - not real papyrus....but for the kids it's fun)

You may be able to find miniature sarcophogus items - with King Tut or some of the other gods.....outer sarcophogus all decorated and inside is usually a mummy.

Quick and easy - "papyrus" bookmarks with Egyptian themed designs or sticker sheets with heiroglyphs.

Brass or stone miniature pyramids (be careful - some of them have VERY sharp edges) and be sure to get a set of 3 to represent the Giza pyramids

Asfour Crystal makes some beautiful crystal pyramids, obelisks, etc, and some have engraved images on the inside (king tut, sphynx, etc)

Egyptian themed beach towels (okay - bulky to bring back, but fun)

There are a few shops in the Khan that have interesting glass Christmas ornaments.

For the girls - get silver cartouches with their names in heiroglyphics. A little young for them now, but a real neat thing for in a few year.

Small stuffed camels, dolls, and small woven rugs with camel or pyramid designs are common in the bazaars.

The older boys might like the mother of pearl chess boards (some are small and fold up like a box with alabaster or onyx pieces inside).

The girls might like the mother of pearl boxes - nice little thing to keep jewelry or treasures in.

That's all I can think of for now - I'll add more if I can.

evecolorado Feb 27th, 2006 12:39 AM

Thanks, everyone, you've given me some great ideas.

I know I'll be back with more questions!

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