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mhron Dec 4th, 2006 10:02 AM

fz7 or fz50
I am going on safari and want to get a new camera. After the safari i will really only use this camera for taking pics of the family, regular point and shoot stuff. even on the safari i am just a noivice with a camera and will probabley just use the automatic functions, Should I go with the panasonic fz50 or will thaty be overkill and wasting money on features i will not use. Should I just get the fz7, and save the cash?
what are the major differences between the two. thanks for your help.

dssxxxx Dec 4th, 2006 10:37 AM

Get the Canon S3 and don't worry. Shoot in P and you will have great foto's.

mhron Dec 4th, 2006 12:02 PM

I had a cannon s2 and a panasonic fz20 and found the pictures were better on the panasonic. Unfortunatley it was stolen so i am looking to replace

Treepol Dec 4th, 2006 02:30 PM

I took my FZ5 to Africa last year and got some great shots. Like you, the camera doesn't do much work now - mostly just family.

I hear that the FZ 7 has a 594mm zoom which is just what I want for birds so I will be upgrading before I go back to Africa in 2008.

I purchased the FZ 5 over the FZ20 for ease of operation and I haven't been disappointed.

Cheers, 4


cybor Dec 4th, 2006 03:07 PM

While not familiar with the Fz7, I did bring a Fz30 on safari last Feb. I didn't have much time to practice prior to my trip and found the camera to produce great pics. and to be a total no brainer to use. The built in IS is a def. plus. The zoom was perfect for most things as well.
The nice thing about this camera is now that I have time, I can move forward with my photo skills and try the manual settings. The one thing you must practice prior to leaving is using the video. If you don't properly hold the shutter down you may lose out - we lost a great rhino close up.
Another down side is the expensive panasonic batteries.
Overall for home,safari and travel I love this camera.
Good luck!

cary999 Dec 4th, 2006 05:21 PM

Videos on the Canon S2 and S3 are very good quality and easy to do. It has a separate button for video. Push to start then push to stop. Just that simple and we find short video clips to be a lot of fun. A 30 second video with stereo sound of a mock elephant charge is way more dramatic than a still photo. And I'm sure a real charge would be even more dramatic :-)
Photos on the S2 and S3 are good but I don't know how they compare with the more expensive Panasonics. An excellent web site for camera reviews is dpreview dot com.
regards - tom

Patrissimo Dec 4th, 2006 08:33 PM

We are leaving for Safari in 2 weeks and purchased the FZ7. Everyone that we know loves this camera and we too, will use it in automatic. It is the lightest weight camera with this size zoom.

OnlyMeOirish Dec 5th, 2006 12:17 AM

Hi Mhron,
I'm with Sherry on the Panasonic. I too purchased a FZ30 for our safari and basically 'learned' it during our trip. Hubby who is a serious technophobe even became quite attached to it using the Auto setting :O His photos turned out really well too :)

cynstalker Dec 5th, 2006 07:03 AM

Another vote for FZ30 - really a nice camera.

Imelda....did I miss the link to your photos?...."the look", and now the Towering Topi were 2 of your photos I was looking forward to seeing!

<font color="green">Cyn</font>

OnlyMeOirish Dec 5th, 2006 07:57 AM

Hi Cyn,
I'm afraid you didn't miss the link, I've been VERY bold and haven't gotten my photos together yet. I have a lot of excuses :D, including the fact that my BOTH home PC AND work PC are playing up and I'm trying to get those sorted (I'm having my work PC upgraded shortly and HOPEFULLY my home PC too - If I can persuade Deck that is). I'm also still trying to get the aftermath of our housefire sorted - paintbrushes are fairly flying at the moment (need to get those Christmas decorations up this weekend ;) )
Anyways, no more excuses, I really do promise its my next priority and I'm hoping they will be sorted early new year..... fingers crossed!


cynstalker Dec 5th, 2006 08:35 AM

Sorry to hi-jack mhron - last time, I promise!

Imelda - no worries - I just really <b>do</b> want to see your pics - I just know I'll enjoy them. Plus, you've got your upcoming trip in the works, too - to Boston &amp; NYC, right?

<font color="green">Cyn</font>

cybor Dec 5th, 2006 11:38 AM

Plus she had a fire - now that's a good excuse - hoped that your decor is back in order Imelda. Sounds like you may be coming to my neck of the woods.

sorry for the hijack. If you go to the New east africa index, you can pull up Cyns and my photo links.
Happy camera hunting!

OnlyMeOirish Dec 6th, 2006 04:12 AM

mhron, I too have to apologise for the hijack ...SORRY :)

Cyn, I'm afraid we're still working on the redecorating, we're in the throws of painting the downstairs so fingers crossed it will be done before the weekend so I can get my Christmas decorations up (I'm a bit of a Xmas decoration freak .... I just LOVE having the house decorated and this year, because we're away for the New Year I will have a shorter time to enjoy them so they MUST go up in time :D ). I PROMISE I WILL get those photos up in the New Year though - I'm going to put them on my new work PC. AND hopefully by then I will have more time to spend on here - I'm missing SOOO much by just browsing now and again.

Sherry, I'm really sorry to ask but you're from New York aren't you??! I'm sorry but for I can't remember for definate. We are REALLY looking forward to our trip, we just LOVE the US and it's our first time to Boston too so we're really excited.

Anyways, that's enough thread hijacking for now (again, my apologies mhron!)


cybor Dec 6th, 2006 04:23 AM

Are you sick of us yet?

No need to feel sorry, I've probably never mentioned my location. I'm close to Newport, Rhode Island on the coast about 1 hr. south of Boston. I also have a sm. cottage in Truro, Capecod Ma.

OnlyMeOirish Dec 6th, 2006 11:22 AM

Thanks Sherry, I'm afraid I have a very bad memory - can't wait to get to 'your neck of the woods' as you put it - we're planning on some serious retail therapy ;)


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