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santharamhari Apr 25th, 2006 07:20 AM

Fodors Addiction???
Hi fodorites,

Just wanted a general opinion from people on this board........are we addicted to coming on here??? often do we get on this board???. What is it that gets us hooked onto here??? all thoughts/opinions are welcome/appreciated.

I check a minimum once a day....okay, i confess......twice a day......


atravelynn Apr 25th, 2006 07:29 AM

For me, this is the only source of travel communication and exchange, except occasional emails with fellow travelers. Co-workers, friends, and most of my family/ relatives are not into Africa or travel in general, except maybe Las Vegas.

This board offers a place for shared interests that are not available elsewhere for me, and to seek excellent information.

True Fodor's addiction would be not wanting to actually go on a trip because you'd miss checking in on the forum!

I check twice a day usually. Sometimes more. Sometimes I skip a day.

Good question.

jcasale Apr 25th, 2006 07:29 AM

Definite addiction :-)! But a good one. I have gotten great advice on all of the various forums for trips taken in the past year (and upcoming). I never would have found the wonderful drive we had in Sorrento if it wasn't for someone on the Italy forum. And it feels good to be able to "give back" from time to time.

I probably check it at least once a day - it varies.

CarlaM Apr 25th, 2006 09:01 AM

I like to take a break from the stress of the day and let my mind wander to distant lands, recall wonderful memories and dream of future travels. My associate can always tell by the smile on my face when I am reading Fodors each day!

Kavey Apr 25th, 2006 09:17 AM

He he he, I've been checking in on a regular basis since back in '98/'99! Initially I used to read/ post much more on the Europe board; these days I spend most of my time here on the Africa board.

I have a few sites I visit similarly often - some relating to travel, others to photography and one just to general chit chat.

panecott Apr 25th, 2006 09:25 AM

I agree that this is an addiction, or at least a strong physical and psychological need :-).

It's a lively, interesting board with a great deal of helpful information, coming from so many very nice people. I've been on it at least twice a day, sometimes more, since I discovered it a few months ago, and I'm definitely hooked. And I have learned so much for my first safari! I hope to add more to the discussions after I get back.

I also enjoy Fodor's other boards. Just love travel talk.

I used to hang out on Frommer's before I discovered Fodor's, but that's a graveyard compared to this.

gaynor Apr 25th, 2006 09:41 AM

I like to come home from a stressful day at work, pour a glass of wine and check on this board. I've just come back from a fabulous trip to South Africa which I planned using much of the advice given on this board, so thanks very much! Whilst in SA, I kept expecting to bump into Selwyn but never did! You get to feel you know people on Fodors and the board itself is so much easier to find your way around than others such as Lonely Planet.


Nyamera Apr 25th, 2006 09:48 AM

I check in as soon as I’m near a computer. I discovered Fodor’s a little over a year ago and I’d say I’ve been addicted for about 9 months – for the same reasons as Atravelynn. It’s not only a positive addiction: I can’t help thinking that if I’d spent all this time on finding ways to make money, now I might have been on my way back to Kenya – probably not, but I don’t know.

Leely Apr 25th, 2006 10:10 AM

I have an addictive personality. This is the least harmful addiction I can think of.

Isn't it?

And, yes, I have 2 monitors at my desk at work. One is for my job, the other for Fodor's and iTunes.

cooncat Apr 25th, 2006 10:57 AM

I'm in Leely's boat. I've got a PC for my web work, and an iMac for print work. Which means, whichever computer I'm not using is tuned to Fodors... or Fred Miranda! (Two forums that have subsequently led me to the poor house!):-D (And in one month, to AFRICA!) :-D

matnikstym Apr 25th, 2006 11:22 AM

a healthy addiction? I think not! The bank account is shrinking rapidly, the dog is fat, the lawn is a foot high, there's dust bunnies atop dust bunnies, my eyesight is deteriorating, I'm developing a "Fodor's Hump" from checking in 10 times a day, my social life is zip and I can't remember what I did with my time before finding this board. But it is exciting reading where people are going, where they've been, who's going next and who's there now. I've got a list a mile long of places to go, things to see that I never would have found if I hadn't been here, and wonder if I would have enjoyed Africa as much as I do if I hadn't had so much help and advice I got from this board. So yes, my name is Dennis and I'm a Fodorholic. :)

cooncat Apr 25th, 2006 11:34 AM

Dennis - You are more like a Afrifodorholic....:-D Or a Fodorafriholic...?


FainaAgain Apr 25th, 2006 11:36 AM

Hello, my name is Faina, and I am a proud Fodor-A-Holic since 2001.

Ha, I am not going to fight this addiction!

katt58 Apr 25th, 2006 11:41 AM

I think I will wait to see what happens PFTA (Post First Trip to Africa)!!!

OnlyMeOirish Apr 25th, 2006 11:44 AM

Another Fodoraholic here. DH complains sometimes when he doesn't see me for an evening while I'm 'researching' but he certainly doesn't complain when I save him $$$$ by being able to book all of our trip independently or when I figure out how to arrange a 'hugging' visit to cheetahs in Nairobi NP (thanks Lynda)!! .... All thanks to Fodors.

maxwell Apr 25th, 2006 11:45 AM

Leely and Cooncat:
that's brilliant! I need to call my IT department now to see about getting a second computer, since I am finding that work is interfering way too much with my Africa trip planning/daydreaming activities. :-D

cooncat Apr 25th, 2006 11:50 AM

Kat58 - You and me both. This may become a support forum for PASS (Post-Africa Stress Syndrome.) I expect a major meltdown when I get back!

divewop Apr 25th, 2006 11:54 AM

Hi...My name is Sandy and I, too, am a AfriFodorholic or FodorAfriholic. And have been since '04.

Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon and only visited sporadically when I was going through my divorce but have been back on the Fodor's wagon for several months now, realizing my withdrawal symptoms would never subside.

Now I'm in hock up to my eyebrows starting a business that will hopefully keep me going back to Africa forever or until I move there. :D

YvonneM Apr 25th, 2006 12:03 PM

Yes.. I my name is Yvonne and I am addicted

sandi Apr 25th, 2006 12:17 PM

... do I really want to hang out with addicts?

For sure!

Might even become one!

Forget all that stuff I said above!

Hey, I am one. Whoopie!

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