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germanblonde Dec 13th, 2009 08:26 AM

Egypt - where to buy a cartouche?
I would like to purchase a cartouche when I visit Egypt. I am looking for a good quality silver cartouche. I will be in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel and will take a Nile Cruise. I doubt I will have much free time when I am travelling around. Where can I buy a cartouche? I would like to purchase some for gifts to friends too, what are the prices for a good quality silver cartouche? Do I pay in Egyptain pounds or another currency (USD/Euro)?

Thanks in advance.

germanblonde Dec 13th, 2009 08:30 AM

Forgot to ask.....

Do I need to pay with cash or can I pay with a credit card? I know sometimes vendors charge more when customers use a credit card.

How long does it take to make a cartouche?

Thank you.

Casual_Cairo Dec 13th, 2009 09:57 AM

I would suggest you use Gouzlan Gold to get your silver cartouches at. They are very good. They are recommended by the American Embassy, and by me. You will get the best value and quality at this shop.

The standard silver cartouche at Gouzlan (either solid or open style) will be $19USD and will include a chain for that price.

You can use a credit card there and they will even use a machine that bills in USD so you don't have to pay a fee to your CC company for exchanging funds to USD.

To find Gouzlan, go to the Naguib Mafouz restaurant - the most famous restaurant in the Khan el Khalili for tourists. Put your back to their front door and walk 10-15 paces forward. You should be in front of Gouzlan on your left. Go to the one on your left, not the one on your right. Ask for Shaggy.

Happy shopping.
If you want - tell them Ms. Debbie sent you in. That means to them that if you are not satisfied at the end of the transaction, they will have the wrath of me to deal with. I'm sure you'll be happy.

abby97 Dec 13th, 2009 10:09 AM

Thanks for this info, Debbie. I also want to buy a cartouche. How much should a gold one cost?

Also, are you familiar with the Azza Fahmy line of jewelry? I see that they have a boutique in Zamalek. Is it worth the splurge? The stuff on the website is gorgeous, but I understand that it's pretty pricey.

Casual_Cairo Dec 13th, 2009 10:19 AM

I saw their place (Azza Pahmy) the other day when I was in Zamalek. It is pricey - you are right. I didn't even have the nerve to go inside, it was pretty intimidating looking. I guess if you love the jewelry and want it, it is worth the price. I can't afford it, but have friends that have found pieces to buy. I think she just keeps getting more and more expensive, so it might be a good investment. You could probably unload it on E-bay if you ever needed the money back.

Gold cartouches are going to depend on weight. I think the ones at Gouzlan are running in the neighborhood of $100 these days WITHOUT a chain.
Go to Gouzlan for this too and let Shaggy quote it for you. They have lots to choose from. Some are shown on their web site at, but the prices on the website are higher than you will pay if you go into the store and mention my name to Shag or one of the other boys.

germanblonde Dec 13th, 2009 10:43 AM

Thank you Debbie. I was hoping you'd see this post and respond.

abby97, I did a search for Azza Pahmy, and looked at their website. I'd better stay away from their store when I am in Egypt.

germanblonde Dec 13th, 2009 10:52 AM

Debbie, I forgot to ask how long does it take them to make a cartouche? The tour operator I am using (Lady Egypt) has a visit to Khan el Khalili, on my last day in Egypt will there be enough time to make the cartouche? I will be staying at the Marriot in Zamalek.

Grcxx3 Dec 13th, 2009 11:32 AM

Another vote for Gouzlan. I was a "frequent shopper" at their shop in Ma'adi!

As for Azza Fahmy - I often visited her shop in Ma'adi and really wished I had purchased things many years ago when her prices were more reasonable. I don't like all her stuff, but I have seen some beautiful pieces.

abby97 Dec 13th, 2009 12:49 PM

Thanks! If I have the nerve (and enough $$$ saved up), I might just wander in. Otherwise, I'll stick with Gouzlan!

sandi Dec 13th, 2009 01:42 PM

Re Foreign Currency Exchange fees, if your credit card assesses this, even if foreign companies charge your purchase in USD, don't be surprised to see the conversion fee when you get your bill. USD or local currency, just the fact that the store/hotel/restaurant/etc. is located outside of the States, makes no difference.

There was a recent posting of someone who purchased air tickets from the US (800#) office of Qatar Air in USD and was charged the conversion fee. Now that was outright wrong, or you'd find such fees for booking every foreign airline. Believe it was a computer error, but quite a stir was made about that one!

While those conversion fees are a pain, in the scheme of one's entire trip, for a few hundred dollars of credit card purchases, doesn't amount to much. 3% on $19 = 57-cents... duh!

When we visited, we spent quite a bit of time (and money) at Gouzlan (which name I didn't remember, till Debbie described where it was in relation to Naguob Mafouz).

Happy shopping!

lilla Dec 13th, 2009 03:35 PM

When I was in Cairo in March, I took Debbie's suggestion and went to Gouzlan's to buy two silver cut-out cartouches. We were on a tour and had only 45 minutes, and they were able to make the cartouches in time for us to get back to our tour bus.

Mentioning "Miss Debbie" helped to make the entire experience even better. I would highly recommend them, especially if you don't have much time.

MissGreen Dec 13th, 2009 05:35 PM


lilla Dec 14th, 2009 04:17 AM

Forgot to mention, the cartouches at Gouzlan's were much nicer and a lot less expensive than those in the jewelry store we were taken to on our tour.

dutyfree Dec 14th, 2009 05:16 AM

Leaving today for Egypt-thanks for asking the question and having Debbie respond.

Debbie-if I had room in our suitcases I would have brought you over a bottle of something from Washington State. So sorry but that darn purell,TP,etc. weighs too much! I am soooo excited!

Casual_Cairo Dec 14th, 2009 11:05 AM

Dang - I would have bought you plenty of TP here. You know we do have TP in Egypt, don't you? I think if you want to pay premium prices you can even get Northern TP.

HA! It's OK, but hey, next time some one is coming we do have some things we need on this end. Thanks for remembering us.

Casual_Cairo Dec 14th, 2009 11:11 AM

Gouzlan can't always react as fast as they did for this gal that only had 45 minutes. Especially on gold ones it is harder to be that quick. I'd give them a day if possible. If not, then order them when you are there (although you HAVE to know that Lady Eygpt is not going to make it easy for you to use Gouzlan rather than the company they get their commissions from) and they can deliver them usually to the hotel that night - maybe as late as 11 p.m.
If you can go in one afternoon before hand and order them so you can pick them up the day you are there with Lady Egypt, that would be better. Check to be 100% sure that LE is not taking you there on a Sunday when the market is about 50% closed, including Gouzlan.

sandi Dec 14th, 2009 03:46 PM

Yeh, Sunday at the market... we noticed that most of those shops closed were jewelry stores. Good reminder Debbie!

abby97 Dec 14th, 2009 05:00 PM

Debbie, I'm leaving for Egypt on the 23rd and will have several days in Cairo at the beginning and end of the trip. I'd be happy to bring some things for you if you're around when we're in Cairo -- just let me know what you need. If you want me to bring some stuff, let me know and I'll email you offline.

germanblonde Dec 14th, 2009 05:32 PM

Thanks for all the feedback.

Debbie, I'd be happy to bring things to Cairo for you. My trip isn't until fall 2010. What items do you need?

Casual_Cairo Dec 15th, 2009 10:02 AM

abby97 - thanks for the offer. Hmmm, let me think about it. If you can email me at [email protected] I will write back with anything I come up with.

germanblonde - are you in Germany or America? If you are in Germany, my list would be different. :) Thanks for the offer and I'll be sure to let you know. By fall 2010, I surely will need stuff. Thanks!

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