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amyb May 8th, 2017 08:39 AM

I responded on Safaritalk, Pam. But in answer to your questions here for others:

I don't have a packing list per se. My cosmetic bag is always packed for any trip, I just throw in sunblock and insect repellant and my safari-related medications for Africa. Everything else is the same.

I wear Brooks Trail running shoes. They're stiffer than a traditional sneaker but comfortable enough to walk around in all day. I wear those on the plane over and back too, so I'm not taking up luggage space packing footwear. I took a pair of flip flops to Rwanda with me so I'd have something to wear while the lodge was cleaning our shoes, but other than that I don't bother. Again, it takes up space in the luggage.

Lolazahra May 9th, 2017 02:13 AM

amyb I love those sneaks. Good double purpose choice.

plambers, I usually wear my soft sock like NIke sneaks on the plane and throw my flip flops in my carry on. I love flip flops on planes as I can take off my sneaks and easily put them on to walk around the place and stretch and go to the bathroom. Also love them during off times at lodges. So I am really only packing one pair of shoes. I still always take my comfortable lightweight hiking shoes (not boots which were my first pair that I have had for 11 years) because they come in handy. Whenever I am jumping straight into the safari vehicle I will wear the sneaks, but for more rugged walks or when it has rained I really appreciate the hiking shoes. But with that said, I am sure you could get away with one double purpose sneaker.

ekscrunchy, thanks for posting the pack for a purpose link. Wonderful.

Continue to enjoy the planning!

plambers May 9th, 2017 08:13 AM

and yes we will do pack for a purpose. kicheche laikpia needs colored pencils and crayons which don't weigh a lot.

ekscrunchy May 9th, 2017 10:53 AM

That's great. I bought things on Amazon but today I saw many requested items at Costco so got a few more sets of colored pencils.

Leely2 May 13th, 2017 08:29 AM

Kicheche Laikipia: excellent guiding! I hope you see dogs while you're there. In terms of packing for a purpose, if you have time to buy pens, etc., (those kinds of things are all available) in Nairobi, you are contributing to Kenyan businesses. Just a thought.

plambers May 15th, 2017 03:46 AM

Leely2, that is why we chose 2 Kicheche camps-have heard their guiding is stellar. we won't have time to shop in Nairobi as we land at 8:30 pm and fly out the next morning. I hope we see the wild dogs too. we would have seen them at Sosian. I have heard the wild dogs are in the Mara too.

getting so excited-5 weeks away!

michele_d Jul 1st, 2017 11:52 AM

amyb, Just received our two Lipault suitcases you mentioned above. In brown of course. I LOVE them. So light. Along with a small toiletry bag, which we will leave at our hotel in Nairobi during the safari, we are good to go! 7 months to go!

amyb Jul 1st, 2017 03:06 PM

Great Michele! I think you'll love them! I will hope that the next 7 months fly by for you!

michele_d Jul 1st, 2017 06:49 PM

Me too..super excited!

TerryThor Jul 29th, 2017 07:02 AM

A duffel seems hard to carry, but don't some of the smaller planes not allow luggage with wheels?

amyb Jul 30th, 2017 08:05 AM

Terry, the Lipault bag I used has recessed wheels, so they don't stick out and aren't hard to navigate into a hold in a small plane. I liked it because it was the best of both worlds: softsided and held a lot like a duffle would and easy to maneuver in airports. I went carry-on only so I was wheeling it around airports more than those who check bags do.

lorilouise Aug 6th, 2017 09:25 AM

Just got back in June from safari and flew on a small plane from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara and again from Masai Mara to Nairobi and I STRONGLY recommend a small (normal carry on size) wheelie bag. I went with a non-wheeled duffle, which was my only bag. What a big mistake. Schlepping a duffel through airports is hard work and hurts your back and shoulders. My choice was based on many forum postings indicating that small aircraft would not accept wheeled carry-ons -- NOT TRUE! As long as it's not hard-sided luggage, too big or too heavy, they will cram it in. And you will save yourself a world of aggravation.
Have a great time!

michele_d Aug 6th, 2017 12:49 PM

Thank you lorilouise, for the input regarding the duffel vs. wheeled carry on. You confirmed my thoughts. We will be flying to and from the Masai Mara from Nairobi. Were you allowed to bring anything in addition to the carry on such as a small purse/backpack or was it only the carry on?

amyb Aug 6th, 2017 01:24 PM

Michele on the flights from Nairobi to the Mara, you put your carry on bag (with your clothes in it) in the cargo hold. You can take a day bag (usually my camera bag) in a small bin at the back of the cabin behind the seats. There's room for one for each passenger, so not a big bag, but there's really no room for that bag at your seat. I take my wallet and iPhone out of the day bag and leave the day bag at the back of the plane for the flight.

michele_d Aug 6th, 2017 06:33 PM

Thank you amy..this helps tremendously with my planning.

amyb Aug 7th, 2017 02:56 AM

My "day bag" is what I take out in the vehicle with me every day. It's big enough to hold my camera, hat, sunblock, toilet paper, wildlife guide, wallet, etc. That's my "personal item" on the plane, so it's not so big that it doesn't fit under the seat in front of me. It's also something I don't mind getting dirty. Every time I get home I shake it out and find a lot of Kenyan dust has made its way home with me.

surfmom Aug 7th, 2017 05:28 AM

I'll share my thoughts:

We took a variety of bags - as a family of 5 people, everyone had their own small duffle - kids took Patagonia duffel (60L I think). I had a wheeled bag - that was hard on one side and soft on the other. No problems and no one blinked.

As for "day packs", we ended up with my camera bag (camera gear only - yes, heavy), DH carried a backpack (daypack style) that had his laptop and assorted chargers and books, and the kids had one personal size carry on with books and stuff. All those things were put in the cabin cargo area (separated from the seats by a net) for intra-Kenyan flights.

We also carried a foldable backpack from Eddie Bauer that was lightweight. We used that as our "going on the safari vehicle" bag ... instead of unpacking something else, we just put in it what we needed for the day - contact solution, hats, sweatshirt or raincoats (if needed, or when shed), gum, advil, lip balm, phones, sunscreen, mosquito spray, etc. It was nice not to have to unpack something with all the gear from the plane and only take what we needed. At the end, it was our intent to fold it back up and check stuff on the way home, but we had expanded slightly, so it was just carried on as a personal item for the flight home for one of the kids.

KathBC Aug 7th, 2017 07:42 AM

I travel with a duffel with no wheels and a large soft sided Baggalini bag.

Between the camp/lodge staff who always carry your bags to & from your tent/room without asking and carts at airports I've never had to schlepp it anywhere.

michele_d Aug 7th, 2017 01:58 PM

Thank you amy. That is exactly what I was planning to use my personal item for..daytrip stuff. Great minds!!!

TerryThor Aug 12th, 2017 06:53 AM

I like the idea of that small carry on with wheels. Then a backpack for my binocs, etc. But where do I find room for my trinkets. It's my first trip to Kenya and I'd like a few souvenirs.

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