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Annie1027 Jan 31st, 2011 08:21 PM

9 hour layover in Nairobi
I'll be connecting in Nairobi coming from Kigali and going to Europe, arriving at about 2pm and leaving shortly before 11pm during the week.
9 hours layover sems like a lot of time, so originally I was thinkng to get a day transit visa and going to the Giraffe Center and getting dinner at Talisman. But now I was reading a few articles which said the traffic can be really bad in Nairobi especially in the afternoon. And since it is my first time to Nairobi airport I am a little unsure now what to do. Any recommendations? Does the planned day trip sound doable? Or too risky to get back to the airport in time?
Thank you.

123vigael Feb 1st, 2011 03:04 AM

Its true traffic in Nairobi can really be bad especially going to the airport.but the time you have there is enough for approximately 3hours half day Nairobi excursion,which will end around or before you enough time to go to the airport..Since you will be leaving at 10pm.Giraffe center is a good place to visit since its not very far from the airport.
Thank you
Nappet Tours & Travel

roadwarriorafrica Feb 1st, 2011 06:21 AM

Hi Annie

If you have checked you luggage through from Kigali to Europe, then it will be very easy. You should be out of JKIa (assuming your flight is on time) by 2:30 / 2:45 pm. It will take maximum one hour to get to the Giraffe's. So say 4:00 pm. Then you have till 6:30 pm exploring Karen. Dinner at Talisman at 7:00 pm. Leave Talisman by 8:30 pm, and you will be at the airport by 9:30 pm.

Very easy.

Enjoy Nairobi.


atravelynn Feb 1st, 2011 07:03 AM

I don't know what the rest of your plans are or if you'll be doing a safari on your trip. If not, you might want to visit Nairobi National Park with species such as rhino, lions, giraffes, zebras, etc. No elephants. The park is right next to the airport. In fact for your daytime arrival you may be able to see wildlife as you land. A visit from about 3 to 6 could work. Then you could go for dinner.

Your thought of Giraffe Center would work with the length of time you have.

sandi Feb 1st, 2011 07:59 AM

... and if you want something special, consider adopting an orphaned baby elephant from the Sheldrick Orphanage. Fee is $50 for the year and as an adoptee parent, can visit your chubby at 5pm, meet the handlers/mommas, play with your little one and put him/her to sleep. The Orphanage is near the Giraffe Center, so you don't have to go out of your way... then to dinner and back to airport.


cary999 Feb 1st, 2011 11:55 AM

Will 2nd sandi's suggestion about Sheldrick. We've been there and it is a very special place.

regards - tom

Annie1027 Feb 1st, 2011 07:49 PM

thanks so much everybody for your reply. We'll actually be on our return trip from a Safarin in Tanzania and Gorilla trekking in Ruanda.
I am a bit relieved now about the layover in Nairobi, I was getting a bit worried about not getting back to the airport in time. I'll definitely look into the Sheldrick Orphanage, thanks for sending the link.
One more question, I just saw that "Talisman" is closed on Monday, does anybody have other suggestions for a resuarant in that area or closer to the airport?

123vigael Feb 1st, 2011 11:09 PM

There are lots of hotels..on your way for example There is Red court Hotel along Mombasa Road,Ole Sereni Boadering Nairobi national Park..
Or you can choose to go to Carnivore Restaurant Just Some distant From Giraffe center.

roadwarriorafrica Feb 3rd, 2011 06:18 AM

Hi Annie

Have a look at for restaurant suggestions. But in Karen, I would suggest Rusty Nail, Karen Coffee Gardens (Tamambo), or Que Pasa, Try and avoid hotels, as the food is usually not great, and atmosphere is not as nice as the restaurants.


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