
Branbury State Park. A large turnout on Route 53 marks the trailhead for a moderate hike to the Falls of Lana, a highlight of this park on the shores of Lake Dunmore near the Moosalamoo National Recreation Area. 3570 Lake Dunmore Rd., Brandon, Vermont, 05733. www.vtstateparks.com/branbury.html. $4. Facilities closed late Oct.–late May.

Mt. Horrid. For great views from a vertigo-inducing cliff, hike up the Long Trail to Mt. Horrid. The steep, hour-long hike starts at the top of Brandon Gap. Trailhead at Brandon Gap Rte. 73 parking lot, about 8 miles east of Brandon, Brandon, Vermont, 05733. www.fs.usda.gov/main/gmfl.

Trails at Mt. Independence State Historic Site. West of Brandon, four trails—two short ones of less than a mile each and two longer ones—lead to some abandoned Revolutionary War fortifications. 497 Mt. Independence Rd., just west of Orwell, Orwell, Vermont, 05760. 802/948–2000; historicsites.vermont.gov/mount-independence. $5. Closed mid-Oct.–late May.