
Tombstone Territorial Park. Often described as "the Patagonia of the Northern Hemisphere," Tombstone has some of the best hiking and views of granite peaks in the Yukon. About 56 km (36 miles) northeast of Dawson City and bisected by the Dempster Highway, Tombstone occupies 2,200 square km (850 square miles) of wilderness supporting a vast array of wildlife and vegetation. Backcountry mountaineering and wildlife-viewing options abound, though for the most part the terrain is too difficult for hiking novices. The park maintains day-use trails at Km markers 58.5, 71.5 (two here), 74.4, and 78.2. At Km marker 71.4 is the Tombstone Interpretive Centre and Campground. The center has informative displays and great mountain views. Stop here to get a handle on everything the park has to offer, and to learn how animals make it through the winter here. Flightseeing trips over the jagged Tombstone Range depart from Dawson City. Dawson City, Yukon. 867/993–7714; 800/661–0408; www.env.gov.yk.ca. Free. Interpretative Centre May–Sept., call for hrs.