
Finca Hartmann. The combination of forest and shaded coffee bushes at this gourmet coffee farm 27 km (16 miles) west of Volcán makes it one of the country's best bird-watching spots. The farm borders Parque Internacional La Amistad, so it's home to an array of wildlife ranging from hummingbirds to collared peccaries. To date, 282 avian species have been identified here, including the brown-hooded parrot, collared trogon, golden-browed chlorophonia, and king vulture. You can take a coffee tour during the October to March harvest season. Two rustic cabins without electricity are available for overnight guests. Getting here is half the fun, since the road winds through amazing scenery. Road to Río Sereno, 507/6450–1853; www.fincahartmann.com. $15. Mon.–Sat. 6–6.